
Things to Remember

Tools Required

Getting Started

  1. Grab all required tools.
  2. Place the first group of heads, with the same Ames number, near you for measuring.
  3. Open the current years SAM Head Measurement excel file.
    1. If the file is not located here, ask a supervisor for the link.
  4. Locate the first empty cell in column A and select it.
  5. Pull the harvest tag and head out of the mesh bag.
  6. Place the head in the pan.
  7. Cut the string off of the tag and throw the string away in the trash can, not the can designated for organic matter.
    1. String removal is another indicator that the head has been measured.
  8. Scan the three bar codes to enter the data into columns A, B, and C.
    1. If the bar code will not scan, copy the data from the cell above (Command-d) and adjust the information accordingly (Use F2 to enter a selected cell).
  9. Turn the tag over and enter the date in column D, Flowering Date.
    1. If there is no date listed, enter 'UNKNOWN'.
  10. Enter any comments, also on the back of the tag, in column E, Field Comments.
    1. Anything that was written on the tag, other than the date, goes here. Separate each item with a comma.
    2. If the only comment on the back is: =, +, or -, you must type an apostrophe first. This is done so as not to start an excel formula. Example: '=.
  11. In column F enter the date the head is measured. Usually the current date.


  1. Open the Delnet bag containing the head.
    1. Keep the head over the open bag if possible.
    2. If the Delnet bag contains multiple heads see Appendix B.
  2. Using the pruners, remove the excess stem.
    1. Keep fingers away from the pruners to avoid injury.
  3. Turn the head over to inspect for patchy development, broken pieces, etc.
    1. For inspection and commenting, see Appendix A.
  4. Break off the sepals (Leaf structure on the outer edge).
  5. Place the tape measure on one edge where the broken sepals meet the edge of the outer seeds.
    1. The first measurement must always be the diameter of the widest section of the head.
    2. Make certain the tape measure is on the centimeter side.
  6. Stretch the tape measure straight across the head.
    1. Keep the tape measure against the head to get a true measurement.
  7. Extend the tape measure to the point where the outer seeds meet the broken sepals.
  8. Record the measurement in column G, EXT1.
    1. Round to the nearest helf centimeter.
  9. Without moving the head, take the tape and measure the diameter of the space not containing viable seed.
  10. Record the measurement in column H, INT1.
    1. If the head is full of seed all the to the center, record '0'.
    2. If the head is too patchy for an accurate measurement input '?' and comment accordingly in column K, Measuring Comments. See Appendix A for more details.
  11. Turn the head 90° and repeat steps 4 through 10 recording in columns I and J, respectively.

Finishing Up

  1. Place the head back into the Delnet bag.
  2. Using the same twist-tie, close the bag.
  3. Place the head back into the mesh bag.
  4. Place the tag back into the mesh bag.
  5. Close the mesh bag.
  6. Place the finished head aside and continue with the remaining heads in the Ames number.
  7. Once all heads within the Ames number have been measured use an orange twist-tie to bundle them together on the hook.
  8. Unless the heads will be threshed immediately, return the bundled heads to dry storage.

Appendix A - Inspection / Commenting

When inspecting heads, try to keep standards consistent. What is considered patchy one day should be considered patchy any other day. When unsure, ask. Below are two images depicting a completely full head as well as a head with a slightly patchy center.

Complete, Full Head

Slightly Patchy Center

Heads will range in the amount of seed they contain. Also, note that if a head is broken, insert '?' into the measurement columns (G - J) and comment that it is broken. If there are multiple heads mixed within the Delnet bag, measure the largest and make an appropriate comment.
The list below contains a few of the possible comments that can be made.

Appendix B - Multiple Heads

Occasionally a Delnet bag will contain multiple heads. If all of the heads in the bag are mixed measure only the largest head while keeping the smaller heads inside the bag. Ensure a comment is made explaining what was done (See Appendix A). If the heads are separated, follow the steps below before moving on.

  1. Do not undo the twist tie separating the heads.
  2. Remove any excess stem from the heads.
  3. Move all loose heads and debris into the opposite corner of the Delnet bag.
  4. Use another white twist tie to close that corner separating it from the rest of the bag.
  5. Open the twist tie containing the single, larger head (this is the main head).
    1. Measure only the main head.
  6. Continue on with step 3 of Measuring.